The Electric Horsemen offer a variety of high end products in our online store. First things, first, though – please select which Electric Horsemen design you’d like and from there you will be able to further customize your purchase.
Let’s be honest, though. I don’t have a screen printer and this is a place where I can buy shirts from myself for myself… and sometimes for my kid.
Horsemen -VS- Everybody (White Text)
After their 3rd straight championship in 2017, it became apparent that the Horsemen were against everyone and no one at the same time.
Just Never Stop.
After their 2nd straight championship in 2016 it seemed they might never stop, but upon their 3rd straight championship in 2017 it was apparent they really never would.
2015 COL Champions
Centered around a remake of the lost ‘Electrocuted Horseman’ design of 2012, this shirt commemorates the 2015 championship of the Electric Horsemen – the first in franchise history.
Battle of TC Jester Champions
In celebration of the 2013, 2014 & 2015 victories in the Battle of TC Jester rivalry series against The Nosebleeds, this design portrays the coveted JW Memorial Trophy (that Wayne hasn’t had since 2012) alongside a package of Nasalcease.
The Dapper Horseman (2015)
In it’s 2015 iteration, the Horsemen had an alternate logo drafted for the playoff push by Argentinian graphic designer, Gustavo. This logo drew most of its inspiration from the original logo created by destroywestexas, with the horse and rider styled differently.
The Official Electric Horseman (2014)
In the Summer of 2014, the front office quickly made a push to approve additional alternative logos for use during the 2014 regular season. Acclaimed Houston artist, Wesley Mitchell (destroywestexas), was employed for this logo iteration which became the default logo of the Electric Horsemen.
Electrocuted Horseman Reborn (2016)
The graphic files from a rendition of the Electric Horseman showing a man in business attire with a horse’s head sitting on an electric chair from some time in the early 2012s are long lost, but this stunning redesign does justice for the original.
The Vintage Horseman Four (2014)
Designed by Jeremy Daggs, this was the original logo of the Electric Horsemen. Despite it’s short-lived reign as the default logo, it is a prized part of any Horseman fan’s collection.
The Vintage Horseman One (2014)
The first of the Daggs series, it was tinkered with a few times before official release.
The Vintage Horseman Three (2014)
Another of the vintage Daggs series, portraying the Horseman primarily in black.
The Vintage Horseman Two (2014)
An alternate to the face of the cowboy, this vintage Daggs creation focuses on the boots of the Horseman.